O guía que me encasquetan (disque o goberno) na visita a Agra é un estudiante de Turismo de 21 anos que nada máis entrar no coche intenta marcar os ritmos da visita: First Fort. Then Taj Majal. Then lunch. Then city tour. No time to Fatehpūr Sikrī. Eu só durmin 3 horas e non quería un puto guía, así que teño o buenrollismo algo baixo e entro a matar: No, first Taj Majal. Then Fatehpūr Sikrī. Then, we'll see. And I don't want shops. I won't buy anything, I won't see any demonstrations. I won't go to any shop. Cede na primeira batalla, pero non dá por perdida a guerra. Paso todo o día forcexeando con el e acaba agobiándome. Dígollo: Look, stop pushing me. Not push. Yes push. Stop it, you are stressing me. Entón vai e pregúntame:
-What is your religion?
-I dont have any.
-You can come to mine.
-Which is...
-I am a muslim. You like being a muslim.
-You think... why?
-Muslims take care of our women.
-And do women like that?
-Of course.
-Because they whant to be care. They are weak.
-Do you think all women in the world are weak?
-Yes. Mui rotundo, mirándome aos ollos. Paso ao ataque directo: You think I am weaker than you?
-Oh, come on, you know women are weak. You know. Everybody knows. Men are strong and women are weak. You want to be strong but you are weak. You want to be care. Aí estamos. Reláxome, déixome caer outra vez sobre o asento do coche, sorrío e digo con toda a superioridade que son capaz de xuntar: Maybe you are right, but believe me: it won't be today.
*A foto non ten nada que ver coa historia, claro. Máis alá de que foi feita o mesmo día.