É mellor prender unha candea que maldicir a escuridade.
E ás veces mesmo poderiamos pensar que é certo.
Claro que... sempre hai un pero
Amnesty International is concerned that following the "pardon", Weja Chicampo was expelled from the country. Apparently, on 5 June at midnight several police officers went to Black Beach prison and removed Weja Chicampo, who assumed that he was being taken home. Instead, he was put on a plane to Madrid, Spain, where he arrived at 7 am on 6 June. His family in Malabo were not informed about the expulsion or whereabouts of Weja Chicampo. His expulsion from Equatorial Guinea violates the country’s Constitution, which guarantees freedom of movement and the right to choose residence, as well as the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, which Equatorial Guinea ratified in 1987.
Ou dous:
Amnesty International is concerned about reports indicating that some days before the promulgation of the amnesty decree they were made to sign statements undertaking not to participate in political activities for a period of 10 years.
E, xa se sabe, non hai dous sen tres:
Amnesty International urges the government of Equatorial Guinea to release all the prisoners of conscience still in prison, as well as all those detained without charge or trial on account of their peaceful political activities.
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